Karlheinz Stockhausen - a platform to discuss his works, to announce forthcoming concerts and to review them.

Day view 03. June 2023 | Month view June | Year view 2023 « previous day      next day »
  • Start & end time Title & description
  • 20:04 Oktophonie [Rappottenstein AT]
    Nr. 61, Extract 1: Oktophonie, 8-Channel Electronic Music, 1990-1991 [69']Daily at 8:04 p.m. from Saturday, June 3rd until Saturday, September 30th info
  • 20:15 Kontakte [Schaffhausen CH]
    Nr.12 Kontakte for Electronic Sounds, Piano And Percussion, performed by Jens Ruland (Percussion), Judith Wegmann (piano), Robert Torche (Sound Design)info
I feel that it could be useful to have a discussion-forum on the music of Stockhausen.
There are so many people from all over the world, young and old, learned and eager to get into contact with this musical world:
musicologists, composers, musicians, music lovers; people who plan concerts, who write books or have to give lectures and so on.
So there should be much stuff, many ideas that we can share. And when we have open questions, there may be people who studied just that and could give a hint or a stimulus.  Thomas Ulrich

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